Welcome to the Grant Funding Portal! 

A few things to know before you get started:

  • You will need to create a free Submittable account or sign in with Google or Facebook credentials to apply.
  • You can only have for each email address, one active application in a program at a time. To start a second application in a program using the same email address, please first submit the active application. Having one active application in multiple programs using the same email address is possible, i.e., one open application in Bits to Bytes, one in Research Infrastructure, and one in First Look Awards that all use the same email address.  
  • You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.
  • If anything changes with the information you submitted, please request to edit the submission
  • Our platform works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported. Please make sure you are using a supported browser.

We will follow-up with you about your submission by email. Please be sure to safelist notification emails from Submittable and check the email you used to sign up for your Submittable Account regularly. Check out the Submitter Resource Center or reach out to Submittable's Customer Support team with any technical questions here.

Program Overview

The MLSC is particularly seeking to enhance and/or expand training programs that address critical skills and talent supply gaps facing the sate’s life science industry. Such programs include those focused on Biomanufacturing, MedTech, Advanced Manufacturing, and other key careers in the life sciences ecosystem in Massachusetts. Applicants must have at-least one industry partnership that ensures that the program is responding to a direct hiring need.

Furthermore, the MLSC is committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the life sciences workforce and will prioritize investments in programs that serve underrepresented populations.

Program Eligibility

Applicants must be a Massachusetts legally organized:

  • Life Science company (“Company”) located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • and regisered to do business in Massachusetts. A Certifcate of Good Standing from
  • the Massachusetts Secretary of State and Certifcate of Good Standing from the
  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue are required for the submission
  • Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), including CBOs relying on a fscal agent
  • Community Colleges, Colleges, and Universities
  • Comprehensive and Vocational High Schools, including Vocational Schools ofering an
  • after-hours or Career Technical Initiative evening training program
  • For-Profit Entities
  • Non-Profit Entities
  • Municipalities
  • Workforce Development Organizations
  • MassHire Workforce Investment Boards and Career Centers

Please review detailed program eligibility and application evaluation process here: Eligibility and Evaluation Process

If you have any questions regarding the application process, Email: Pathmaker@masslifesciences.com 

Program Overview

The MLSC is committed to a life sciences ecosystem that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable for all members of this industry. To ensure we continue to shift the paradigm, the Massachusetts Next Generation (MassNextGen) Initiative has expanded to support a larger and more diverse pool of entrepreneurs.

Awardees of the program will receive a year-long customized package of support, which includes non-dilutive grant funding, lab bench at a sponsoring incubator, and access to a network of seasoned professionals from the life sciences ecosystem helping them to refine their business strategies and effectively raise capital. In addition, awardees will highlight their company to sponsors, awardees, and representatives of venture capital firms at the end of the program year in a “showcase” event to promote relationship building.

The application period will run from March 17 – June 13, 2025 at 1 p.m. EST.

Please view the details of the program including full list of eligibility requirements, resources available and evaluation process

Connect with us to learn more

If you have questions regarding the application process, e-mail MassNextGen@masslifesciences.com.